1. n. [Geophysics]
Alteration of seismic data to suppress noise, enhance signal and migrate seismic events to the appropriate location in space. Processing steps typically include analysis of velocities and frequencies, static corrections, deconvolution, normal moveout, dip moveout, stacking, and migration, which can be performed before or after stacking. Seismic processing facilitates better interpretation because subsurface structures and reflection geometries are more apparent.
Synonyms: seismic processing
See: acquisition, amplitude anomaly, amplitude variation with offset, automatic gain control, bias, brute stack, common depth point, common midpoint, common midpoint method, convolution, depth conversion, depth migration, dip moveout, dynamic correction, embedded wavelet, event, filter, frequency, header, interpretation, inversion, lag, migration, normal moveout, peg-leg multiple, quicklook, random noise, resolution, short-path multiple, signature deconvolution, sinc x, slant stack, space frequency domain, stack, static correction, three-dimensional survey, time migration, true-amplitude recovery, velocity, wavelet extraction, work station, zero-phase