lag | Energy Glossary

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1. n. [Geophysics]

The delay or difference in the arrival time of seismic events that can result from weathering of the rocks or variations in geologic structures in the subsurface.

See related terms: arrivaleventweathering

2. n. [Geophysics]

A term used in seismic processing to describe the interval between the zero-time of a crosscorrelation between two traces and the point of maximum correlation.

See related terms: crosscorrelationtrace

3. n. [Geophysics]

The time delay of the onset of one sinusoidal oscillation, or frequency component of a trace, relative to another. Also known as a "phase-lag."

See related terms: sinusoid

4. n. [Formation Evaluation]

The distance between the static measure point and the dynamic measure point of a logging measurement. For nuclear logs and any others that must be recorded over a significant time period, there is a difference between the measure point with the tool stationary and moving. If the tool is moving during this period, the effective center of measurement will be a certain distance from the point at which the measurement started. This distance is the lag. The lag depends on the logging speed and the sampling interval.

See related terms: sampling intervalvertical resolution