1. n. [Shale Gas, Geology]
An area in which hydrocarbon accumulations or prospects of a given type occur. For example the shale gas plays in North America include the Barnett, Eagle Ford, Fayetteville, Haynesville, Marcellus, and Woodford, among many others. Outside North America, shale gas potential is being pursued in many parts of Europe, Africa, Asia, and South America.
See: accumulation, anomaly, basin, deepwater play, exploration, fairway, hydrocarbon, petroleum system, prospect, subsalt, trend
2. n. [Geology, Shale Gas]
A conceptual model for a style of hydrocarbon accumulation used by explorationists to develop prospects in a basin, region or trend and used by development personnel to continue exploiting a given trend. A play (or a group of interrelated plays) generally occurs in a single petroleum system.
See: accumulation, anomaly, basin, deepwater play, development, exploration, fairway, hydrocarbon, petroleum system, prospect, reservoir, source rock, subsalt
3. vt. [Geology]
To pursue hydrocarbon accumulations of a given type.