salt | Energy Glossary

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1. n. [Geology]

[NaCl] A soft, soluble evaporite mineral also known as halite or rock salt. Because salt is less dense than many sedimentary rocks, it is relatively buoyant and can form salt domes, pillars or curtains by flowing and breaking through or piercing overlying sediments, as seen in the Gulf of Mexico and the Zagros fold belt. Halite can be critical in forming hydrocarbon traps and seals because it tends to flow rather than fracture during deformation, thus preventing hydrocarbons from leaking out of a trap even during and after some types of deformation.

Synonyms: halite

See related terms: caprockdiapirgypsumrheologysalt domesealsubsalt

2. n. [Drilling Fluids]

The product formed by neutralization of an acid and a base. The term is more specifically applied to sodium chloride. Neutralization is an important reaction in many aspects of mud control and treatment.

See related terms: alkalinityalkalinity testcaustic potashcaustic sodafatty-acid soapneutralizationpHpolar compoundsaturated solutiontitration