dip | Energy Glossary

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1. n. [Geology]

The magnitude of the inclination of a plane from horizontal. True, or maximum, dip is measured perpendicular to strike. Apparent dip is measured in a direction other than perpendicular to strike.

See related terms: apparent dipattitudeattributeazimuthdipping beddowndipdownlapfaulthorstreverse faultthrust faultupdipWadati-Benioff zone

2. n. [Reservoir Characterization]

The angle between a planar feature, such as a sedimentary bed or a fault, and a horizontal plane. True dip is the angle a plane makes with a horizontal plane, the angle being measured in a direction perpendicular to the strike of the plane. Apparent dip is the angle measured in any direction other than perpendicular to the strike of the plane. Given the apparent dip and the strike, or two apparent dips, the true dip can be computed.

See related terms: apparent dip