completion | Energy Glossary

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1. n. [Drilling]

The hardware used to optimize the production of hydrocarbons from the well. This may range from nothing but a packer on tubing above an openhole completion ("barefoot" completion), to a system of mechanical filtering elements outside of perforated pipe, to a fully automated measurement and control system that optimizes reservoir economics without human intervention (an "intelligent" completion).

See: brinecompletion fluidhydrocarbonratholeturnkey

2. n. [Well Completions]

A generic term used to describe the assembly of downhole tubulars and equipment required to enable safe and efficient production from an oil or gas well. The point at which the completion process begins may depend on the type and design of well. However, there are many options applied or actions performed during the construction phase of a well that have significant impact on the productivity of the well.

3. n. [Well Completions, Shale Gas]

A generic term used to describe the events and equipment necessary to bring a wellbore into production once drilling operations have been concluded, including but not limited to the assembly of downhole tubulars and equipment required to enable safe and efficient production from an oil or gas well. Completion quality can significantly affect production from shale reservoirs.