Garrett Gas Train | Energy Glossary

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Garrett Gas Train

1. n. []

An instrument used for quantitative analyses of sulfides and carbonates. Specific test methods have been published by API. The oil-mud procedure analyzes active sulfides and uses whole mud samples, whereas the water-base drilling fluid procedure tests filtrate. The Garrett Gas Train (GGT) unit is a clear, plastic block (2.5 in x 4 in x 6 in) that contains three interconnected chambers. A carrier gas is used to flow an inert gas through the chambers. The sample is placed in chamber #1 and is acidified to release sulfides as H2S and carbonates as CO2. The appropriate Dräger tube is used to measure the effluent gas that is evolved from the sample. The device is named after Bob Garrett, who invented it while at Exxon Production Research.


  • Garrett RL: "A New Field Method for the Quantitative Determination of Sulfides in Water-Based Drilling Fluids," Journal of Petroleum Technology 29, no. 9 (September 1977): 1195-1201.
  • Garrett RL: "A New Field Method for the Quantitative Determination of Carbonates in Water-Base Drilling Fluids," Journal of Petroleum Technology 30, no. 7 (July 1978): 860-868.
  • Garrett RL, Carlton LA, and Denekas MO: "Methods for Field Monitoring of Oil-Based Drilling Fluids for Hydrogen Sulfide and Water Intrusions," SPE Drilling Engineering 3, no.3 (September 1988): 296-302.

Alternate Form: GGT

See: alkalinity testbicarbonatecalcium carbonatecarbonate ioncarbonate testcarrier fluidcopper carbonatehydrogen sulfidehydrogen sulfidehydrogen sulfidehydrogen sulfideiron sulfidepyrrhotitesideritesodium bicarbonatesodium carbonatesulfide scavengerzinc basic carbonatezinc carbonate

Photograph of the Garrett gas train