condensate | Energy Glossary

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1. n. []

A low-density, high-API gravity liquid hydrocarbon phase that generally occurs in association with natural gas. Its presence as a liquid phase depends on temperature and pressure conditions in the reservoir allowing condensation of liquid from vapor. The production of condensate reservoirs can be complicated because of the pressure sensitivity of some condensates: During production, there is a risk of the condensate changing from gas to liquid if the reservoir pressure drops below the dew point during production. Reservoir pressure can be maintained by fluid injection if gas production is preferable to liquid production. Gas produced in association with condensate is called wet gas. The API gravity of condensate is typically 50 degrees to 120 degrees.

See related terms: dry gasfieldfluid contactretrograde condensation

2. n. []

Liquid phase occurring in gas condensate reservoirs when the pressure is below the dewpoint pressure.

3. n. []

A natural gas liquid with a low vapor pressure compared with natural gasoline and liquefied petroleum gas. Condensate is mainly composed of propane, butane, pentane and heavier hydrocarbon fractions. The condensate is not only generated into the reservoir, it is also formed when liquid drops out, or condenses, from a gas stream in pipelines or surface facilities.

See related terms: natural gas liquids