1. n. []
An S-wave parameter for a medium in which the elastic properties exhibit vertical transverse isotropy. Gamma (γ) is the S-wave anisotropy parameter and is equal to half the ratio of the difference between the horizontally and vertically traveling SH-wave velocities squared divided by the vertically traveling SH-wave velocity squared; an SH-wave is a shear wave that is horizontally polarized.
γ ≡ ½ [(C66 − C44) ∕ C44] = ½ [(VSH⊥2 − VSH∥2) / VSH∥2]
S-wave parameter (γ) for a medium in which the elastic properties exhibit vertical transverse isotropy, where C66 is the modulus for a horizontally polarized and horizontally traveling S-wave (perpendicular to the symmetry axis), C44 is the modulus for a horizontally polarized and vertically traveling S-wave (parallel to the symmetry axis), VSH⊥ is the velocity for a horizontally polarized and horizontally traveling S-wave and VSH∥ is the velocity for a horizontally polarized and vertically traveling S-wave.
Reference: Thomsen L: “Weak Elastic Anisotropy,” Geophysics 51, no. 10 (October 1986): 1954–1966.
See related terms: epsilon (ε), delta, eta (η)