Bouguer correction | Energy Glossary

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Bouguer correction

1. n. []

The adjustment to a measurement of gravitational acceleration to account for elevation and the density of rock between the measurement station and a reference level. It can be expressed mathematically as the product of the density of the rock, the height relative to sea level or another reference, and a constant, in units of mGal:

δgB = 2 π G ρ h = 0.4193 ρ h


  • δgB = Bouguer correction
  • ρ = rock density in kg/m3
  • h = height difference between two locations in m
  • G = gravitational constant = 6.67384 × 10−11 m3 kg−1 s−2.

Strictly interpreted, the Bouguer correction is added to the known value of gravity at the reference station to predict the value of gravity at the measurement level. The difference between the actual value and the predicted value is the gravity anomaly, which results from differences in density between the actual Earth and reference model anywhere below the measurement station.

See: Bouguer anomalyelevation correctiongravity anomaly